The Aïkibudo Kobudo Sporting Club of Bernay (AKSCB) was created in 1973, on the initiative of Jean-Guy Tournafond. At that time, courses were hold once a month in the former Turreau barracks. The instructor was André Tellier - now 7th DAN - who was the regional supervisor for Normandy.
Later, courses were hold on a weekly basis in the Dojo on Avenue de l’Europe, and they were monitored by several instructors. At that time, Serge Renault was the president of the club.
From September 1982, Michel Houdou became the official instructor. He had only reache the 1st KYU grade, but had already aquired a solid experience in martial arts.
In 1990, the club settled in the Dojo of Bourg-Lecomte, rue Alfred Sisley, in Bernay. Didier Varlet became president and remained so up to 2009.
A Kobudo course was settled on Monday evenings at the initiative of Antoine Cochin at the end of the 90s.
A children section as well as a second Kobudo course were created in 2011.
About the instructors.
Didier VARLET: 3ème DAN Aïkibudo BEES 1er degré / 1er DAN Kobudo
Guillaume BUISSON: 2ème DAN Aïkibudo / 2ème DAN Kobudo
Guillaume BUISSON: 2ème DAN Aïkibudo / 2ème DAN Kobudo
Emmanuel PINCHON: 1er DAN Aïkibudo / 2ème DAN Kobudo

About the executive board
President: Fabien LEFEVRE
Treasurer: Guillaume BUISSON
tél: 02 32 46 43 40
tél port: 06 63 64 69 28
mail: guillaume.buisson@caramail.com
President of honor: Didier VARLET
The club is associated :
- On a local scale to the SCB (Sporting Club de Bernay).
- On a regional scale to the CRAHN (Comité Régional Aïkibudo Haute-Normandie).
- On a national scale to the FFAAA (Fédération Française Aïkido Aïkibudo et Affinitaires)
as well as to the FKSR (Fédération de Katori Shinto Ryu).