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Welcome to Aïkibudo Kobudo Sporting Club Bernay 's website!

Discover a Japanese martial art halfway between modernity and tradition.


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          The weapons we are taught to use are warriors weapons, and our techniques belong to a very ancient school: Tenshin Shoden Katori Shintô Ryu. The teachings of this school were designated an Intangible Cultural Asset of Chiba Prefecture in 1960. It was founded by Iizaza Choisaï Ienao in the mid-15th Century and has followed an undisputable lineage ever since.


          Kobudo constitutes one of the historical components of Aïkibudo and thus represents one of its traditional facets alongside manual techniques. It is composed of several practices: japanese sword techniques (Ken Jutsu and Iaï Jutsu), staff techniques (Bo Jutsu) and spear techniques (Naginata Jutsu and Yari Jutsu).

Iizaza Choisaï Ienao

          To start with, a Kobudoka learns Maki Uchi. It consists of a hit that's rolled over the arm and that will have to be repeated over and over again when practicing Ken Jutsu. He/she also learns the basic postures (Kamae).


          Then starts the very long teaching of the school. During the first years of training, a Kobudoka will steadily work with a Bokken and progressively learn to use long range weapons that are the Bo and the Naginata.

          After several years, when one has proved his/her attachment to the school, he/she can be taught superior principles through a series of katas as well as the use of other weapons (two swords techniques, short sword techniques and Yari, that is a long straight spear).

Aïkibudo Kobudo Sporting Club Bernay

Dojo  Jean-Jacques Pinna, rue Alfred Sisley, 27300 BERNAY


designed by Jordan Dijon                                          Copyright © 2019

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Mises a jours par David Guillotin

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